CE Marking of Radio equipment

Radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment (R&TTE) encompasses all products that use the radio frequency spectrum (like mobile phones, gate openers or broadcast transmitters), as well as telecommunications terminal equipment like modems or fixed telephones.
The R&TTE sector in which many European companies have emerged as world leaders is a major driver of growth and jobs in the EU. Ensuring the health and safety of users, enforcing protection requirements with respect to electromagnetic compatibility and ensuring an efficient use of the spectrum so as to avoid harmful interference are the essential elements of EU policy on R&TTE.
The Radio Directive defines telecommunications terminal equipment as "a product enabling communication or a relevant component thereof which is intended to be connected directly or indirectly by any means whatsoever to interfaces of public telecommunications networks". Radio equipment is defined as "a product, or relevant component thereof, capable of communication by means of the emission and/or reception of radio waves utilising the spectrum allocated to terrestrial/space radiocommunication".
The Radio Directive applies to all R&TTE with the exception of certain specific categories.
The presence of the CE marking on R&TTE is an indication that it meets these essential requirements and can therefore be sold anywhere in the European Economic Area (made up of the EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) as well as in Turkey. This also applies to products manufactured in third countries.
(sources: European Commission, Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, CE marking for radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment, European Commission, 2014, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2769/90324)
Not just Radio Directive...
In general, CE Marking of radio equipmentdoes not mean to apply Radio Directive.
In fact, many situation can arises, where more Directives have to be applied, and there are also exceptions where Radio Directive has not to be applied for the CE Marking of radio equipment. Also for this reason, the best option for a manufacturer is to ask the support of a CE Marking expert, who can also help you to:
- identify and apply harmonised standards, if applicable
- evaluate the necessity or usefulness of laboratory test and choose the best laboratory for your specific case
- prepare the Technical File for CE Marking, including also: Risk Analysis, Product Manuals, etc.
Do you need help for CE Marking?
How we help manufacturers, distributors and importers:
We offer consulting on CE marking to manufacturers, distributors and importers. This also includes:
- identification of the obligations for your specific products
- technical support in preparing the necessary documentation
- consultancy for the identification and implementation of safety measures (e.g.: selection of safe materials and components, design changes for safety, addition of protections, photocells and interlocks, safety operating procedures, personal protection equipment, affixing written warnings and pictograms, etc.).
How we help customers:
In addition to indirectly helping consumers by offering advice to manufacturers to market safe products, we provide support to consumers by providing them with information about the meaning of the CE marking and useful advice on how to choose compliant and therefore safer products.